Meredith sent me the following letter. If you are reading this, please take the time to cast a vote for her:
Friends and family. I did a little ditty in honor of my kitty and I
might get a chance to do it on the Oxygen network for Meow TV. This was
a fun thing I did spur of the moment that turned out to be a blast. See
the link below and vote for me. Tell all your vote for me.
If you have one, blog about it.
So all of your friends can vote for me.
And to think this could be my "big break".....And it was all for Cosmo.
I am contestant #182 and I have been told I have been on the news in New
York (Fox, WB) and Washington, DC.
Okay, thanks guys.
PS. I just checked the video links and they aren't up yet. So keep
checking for the actual video.
The link to vote is here